How do I access on-campus academic software remotely?


  1. Using a web browser (we recommend Google Chrome or Firefox) navigate to the Remote Computer Labs site at . 
  2. Click the link in the center of the page which reads “Access Remote Computer Labs”.
  3. On the sign-in screen, type in your full SUNY Erie email address as your username (ie:, then your password and click the “Sign in” button. (To locate your username or password, please visit

You are now able to choose a computer lab:

After signing in, you will be presented with a page of computer labs. Labs are now on a schedule, as there are seated courses taught in them.    Labs that are available for remote access will show a green line.  Labs that are not available, will show as gray and state "Closed".  

To view a schedule for a lab, click on one of the labs and then click the "Info" tab at the top.   The schedule will appear for that lab.  

Screenshot of the Info page which shows a schedule

To see which software is available in a lab, click on a lab and then click the magnify glass in the upper right.   A list of installed software will appear.   Please note that this may not be a full list of software on the computer, as any shortcuts to software (ie: Respiratory or Nursing Software) will not show up, only installed software.

A screenshot showing the software installed in a lab

The computer lab are in the format of campus designation (N, S or C) and room.   Each lab has different software installed. If your instructor provided you which computer lab to connect to, simply scroll down and click on the lab.  

To connect to a computer in a lab, click on an available lab.   Then click the "Connect" button next to an available computer.  

Screenshot of the Connect button

If it doesn't connect automatically and shows you a username error, remove the "ecc\" in front of your username.   If the screen is small, try resizing your browser. Alternatively, if you go up to the top of computer screen, a menu appears. Click on the two arrows pointing away from each other to expand the window. When you have finished using the computer, use the Start Menu to sign out of the computer.

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Article ID: 132716
Wed 6/16/21 12:37 PM
Thu 3/9/23 9:46 AM