How do I connect my device to the wireless network?


SUNY Erie's wireless network provides encrypted wireless access to the network. To use the wireless system, your device must be capable of using 802.11a/g/n the WPA2 protocol. Students will need to authenticate using their SUNY Erie username and password. The privilege of network access implies that you have read and understood the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). By signing into the SUNY Erie wireless network you are agreeing to the terms of the AUP. The AUP is located at

It is strongly recommended that the operating system of your personal computing device has all the current software updates as that antivirus software is installed, up to date and running.

If you are an employee or student connecting your device to the wireless network for the first time, choose ECC-Secure from the list of available wireless networks. Follow the instructions below to connect your device.

Windows Laptop:

  1. Click on the Start menu
  2. Click the Settings gear.
  3. Click "Network and Internet"
  4. Click "Wi-Fi" 
  5. Click "Show Available Networks" 
  6. Click "ECC-Secure" 
  7. Click "Connect"
  8. Enter ECC email address and password
  9. Click "Connect" if it asks to trust the network.

Mac OS: 

  1. Select the wireless icon from the upper right toolbar
  2. Choose the ECC-Secure wireless network.
  3. When prompted, enter your SUNY Erie username and password. 


  1. From the home screen, click Settings and then WiFi to gain access to the list of available wireless networks.
  2. Ensure that WiFi is turned on and then click on the ECC-Secure network.
  3. When prompted, enter your SUNY Erie username and password.
  4. Next, you will be asked to verify the certificate for Click Trust to verify the certificate. 


  1. Swipe down from the top of the screen 
  2. Tap the settings gear 
  3. Tap "Connections", then "Wi-Fi" 
  4. Tap ECC-Secure and enter ECC username (without the and password 
  5. * Some Android phones require additional Wi-Fi configuration to get into ECC-Secure. 
    •     The information you'll need is as follows: 
      • CA certificate: Don’t Validate 
      • Identity: The user's ECC username 
      • Anonymous identity: Leave this blank 
      • Password: The user's ECC password 


  1. Open Google Chrome and go to chrome://settings
  2. Click "(+) Add Connection", then "Add Wi-Fi"
  3. Click "Advanced" and enter the following information: 
  4. Enter the following information:
    • SSID: ECC-Secure
    • EAP Method: PEAP
    • Phase 2 Authentication: MSCHAPv2
    • Server CA Certificate: Do not check
    • User Certificate: None Installed
    • Identity: Your username without
    • Anonymous Identity: leave blank 
    • Password: Your password
  5. Click Connect
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Article ID: 132901
Tue 6/29/21 6:46 AM
Fri 4/14/23 9:42 AM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

The Wireless network service offering provides device access to the College's network via a radio signal frequency. This allows untethered access to network and Internet resources from supported technology devices such as laptops and mobile phones.