Notify/Class Cancellations

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Service Offering Description

This service offering provides a platform for faculty to notify students of cancellations to instructional classes.

Standard Features

  • Faculty can create a cancellation for any future class date they are teaching
  • Faculty can provide additional instruction to the cancellation message
  • Faculty can authorize additional employees to cancel a class on their behalf
  • Students are automatically enrolled with their SUNY Erie email address
  • Students are notified via email and/or text message of cancellation

Roles and Responsibilities

IT Responsibilities:

  • Maintain stable server infrastructure to continue providing notification system.
  • Maintain integration with ERP system as source of faculty, student, and class data.

Service Audience 

Faculty, staff, and students utilize the Notify/Class Cancellations service

Service Level Agreement

Response and resolution times are based on operational hours (Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM).        

Response Time            1 business day

Resolution Time          4 business days

Please Note: Response Time is measured from ticket submission date/time until the ticket is moved to an 'In Process' status. Resolution Time is measured from ticket submission date/time until the ticket is completed/resolved.

Institutional Policies

Acceptable Use Policy