What tools are available to help me teach remotely?


List of resources to help you teach remotely.



The chart below includes resources for faculty and staff to collaborate from anywhere. Some of the tools listed below are for use in synchronous (“real-time”) collaboration, while others support asynchronous (“non-real-time”) collaboration. Please take note that offering real-time instruction or collaboration using technology from off-site may present challenges. These challenges may include the following issues: internet connectivity, audio connections, webcam or software installs. 

Whichever approach you prefer to take, it is strongly recommended to familiarize yourself with the available technology before needs arises. In the event that instruction or collaboration from a different location becomes necessary.   Please note that you should check with your Academic Dean or Vice Provost before changing a modality of a class.

Note: When accessing resources from off-campus, you will need to verify authentication.  Please review the following article to ensure that your verification is appropriate.


Tool Information

How to Obtain  Resources
Course Lecturing (asynchronous) – pre-recorded lectures Microsoft Stream – Upload videos and embed in course sites or share the link via email. Use the Service Desk request form to obtain a Stream channel

How do I upload videos to Microsoft Stream?

  Cisco Webex – Record videos and share recorded link in courses or email. Webex is installed by default on all SUNY Erie owned computers.  To install on a personal computer, visit https://sunyerie.webex.com


Course Lecturing (Synchronous) – live lectures Cisco Webex – Ability to provide real-time conferencing and screen sharing Webex is installed by default on all SUNY Erie owned computers.  To install on a personal computer, visit https://sunyerie.webex.com

How do I start or join a Webex Meeting from a computer?

Course Discussions (asynchronous) Brightspace - Learning Management System for posting content and submitting assignments, and assessments Every SUNY Erie course has a pre-built Brightspace course shell, which includes forums.   Access Brightspace at https://mylearning.ecc.edu

Brightspace training videos

Course Discussions (synchronous) – live discussions Cisco Webex – Ability to provide real-time conferencing and screen sharing for discussions Webex is installed by default on all SUNY Erie owned computers.  To install on a personal computer, visit https://sunyerie.webex.com Brightspace training videos
Sharing course content with students Brightspace - Learning Management System for posting content and submitting assignments, and assessments Every SUNY Erie course has a pre-built Brightspace course shell, which includes forums.   Access Brightspace at https://mylearning.ecc.edu

Brightspace training videos

  Microsoft Stream – Upload videos Use the Service Desk request form to obtain a Stream channel  

How do I upload videos to Microsoft Stream?


Distributing group updates/communicating with class

Brightspace - Learning Management System for posting content and submitting assignments, and assessments (student distributions lists already created in Brightspace shells)

Every SUNY Erie course has a pre-built Brightspace course shell, which includes forums.   Access Brightspace at https://mylearning.ecc.edu

Brightspace training videos


Email – Send messages and content as attachments

All SUNY Erie users have an email account.   Outlook is installed on all SUNY Erie computers.  Alternatively, you may access the web version at https://outlook.office.com


Holding Virtual Office Hours or Meetings

Cisco Webex - Ability to provide real-time conferencing and screen sharing for meetings (Recommended for virtual offices hours as there is Brightspace integration)

Webex is installed by default on all SUNY Erie owned computers.  To install on a personal computer, visit https://sunyerie.webex.com



Microsoft Teams – Collaboration tool for real time meetings, screen sharing and persistent chats

Teams is installed by default on all SUNY Erie computers when an employee logs into them.  The Web version is at https://teams.microsoft.com  A team is not to chat with individuals, but to collaborate with a larger group, request a team from the Service Desk.

What is Microsoft Teams?

Submitting Papers

Brightspace - Learning Management System for posting content and submitting assignments, and assessments

Every SUNY Erie course has a pre-built Brightspace course shell, which includes forums.   Access Brightspace at https://mylearning.ecc.edu

Brightspace training videos


Brightspace - Learning Management System for posting content and submitting assignments, and assessments (Recommended for graded assessments)

Every SUNY Erie course has a pre-built Brightspace course shell, which includes forums.   Access Brightspace at https://mylearning.ecc.edu

Brightspace training videos


Microsoft Forms – Tool to quickly create surveys and polls

All SUNY Erie users have access to their personal forms repository at https://forms.microsoft.com


Sharing Files with Colleagues

Microsoft OneDrive – Ability to share files and data from your personal cloud storage

All SUNY Erie users have a OneDrive account.  OneDrive is installed on all SUNY Erie computers. Alternatively, you may access the web version at https://onedrive.live.com



Microsoft Teams – Collaboration tool for real time meetings, screen sharing and persistent chats

Teams is installed by default on all SUNY Erie computers when an employee logs into them.  The Web version is at https://teams.microsoft.com  A team is not to chat with individuals, but to collaborate with a larger group, request a team from the Service Desk.

What is Microsoft Teams?


Email – Send messages and content as attachments

All SUNY Erie users have an email account.   Outlook is installed on all SUNY Erie computers.  Alternatively you may access the web version at https://outlook.office.com


Creating documents, presentations and spreadsheets

Microsoft Office – A full productivity suite including word processing, spreadsheets and presentations

Office is installed on all SUNY Erie owned computers.   To install on a personal computer, visit https://www.office.com and click on Install Office in the upper right.   The web version of Office is also available at this site.


How do I download 
Office 365 for Home Use?


To request technical support

Service Desk – To report an incident or make a request.

Visit https://servicedesk.ecc.edu and login with your SUNY Erie username and password.  Choose “Report an Issue” if something is broken and “Request Something” to obtain items such as permissions, software or hardware.


What are some tips for submitting a Service Desk ticket?


Receive and Make Telephone Calls (Employees Only)

Forward Extension

From your College phone, you would select the Forward All button and enter in an external phone number to forward all your calls to (remember the 9 first, for an outside line). 


How do I forward calls from my office phone when I'm not on-campus?


Course Registration/Lookup 

Workday - To register for a student for a  course or see available courses

Visitors, students and employees may access https://workday.ecc.edu

Workday Learning (Employees)

Entering and approving time and purchases (Employees Only)

Workday – To enter timecard or approve information

To access the system from off campus, visit https://workday.ecc.edu

Workday Basics




Article ID: 132601
Tue 6/8/21 1:47 PM
Thu 3/9/23 9:44 AM